About Us

Digitalmalegaon.com is a website created by a Malegaonkar — Omair Iqbal, who is a Journalist by chance and a Digital Marketer by choice.

Ever since he went to Mumbai for studies, he wanted to do something different and then he decided to launch a website — Digitalmalegaon.com. 

Unlike News or e-commerce websites, Digital Malegaon is a bit different. Here, my team and I will curate content based on Malegaon.

Irrespective of what you search related to Malegaon, there will come a time when we will have content for that. Our aim is to take everything Malegaon offers online.

Regardless of what you want to eat, purchase, explore,  study or anything in Malegaon, Digital Malegaon has got you covered. I know doing these things is not that easy and that’s why I am requesting you to please guide me throughout this unique journey.

If you come with me, I am sure in a year or two, Digital Malegaon will have a unique identity and reputation among Malegaonars.

I hope you all will support me in making Malegaon a Digital City.